
Fix for the issue has been deployed as of 10 AM UTC / 5 AM EST. Should you encounter any further issues or have any questions about this incident, please reach out to our support team Thank you for your patience.

Avatar for Gabi Berger
Gabi Berger

The root cause of the problem has been identified and fix is on the way. We expect this issue to be resolved by 10 AM UTC / 5 AM EST. Thank you for your patience.

Avatar for Gabi Berger
Gabi Berger

Lightico is currently investigating reports whereas documents upon completion are not sent to the agent emails or to the configured email inboxes. The issue has been escalated to our engineering team and it is being handled with urgency. Thank you for your patience.

Completed documents can be accessed and downloaded in Lightico admin > History.

Avatar for Gabi Berger
Gabi Berger
Began at:

Affected components
  • NA1 - North America