Lightico Notice - Customer Navigation Arrow For Multi-Paged Documents


The issue related to the navigation arrow for multi-paged documents has been resolved. The navigation arrow will now display as expected. Thank you for your patience.

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The root cause of the issue affecting the navigation arrow on multi-paged documents has been identified. The issue is expected to be resolved within the next 30 minutes. We will update further in the next 30 minutes.

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Lightico is investigating reports of the navigation arrow not displaying for some customers on multi-paged documents as expected.

While we work on resolving this issue, an immediate workaround can be used: In the Lightico Administration settings > System settings > Esign option edit "Force review" to "Yes" and save. We will provide an update on this issue in the next 60 minutes.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • NA1 - North America
  • EU1 - Israel
  • EU4 - Frankfurt