
We've now resolved the incident. Thank you for your patience.

Avatar for Gabi Berger
Gabi Berger

Lightico has now resolved the root cause and restored access to Lightico services. Should you continue to experience connectivity issues, please clear cache on your browser and reattempt access. We will keep this incident open for another 30 minutes for monitoring. Feel free to reach out to with any questions or if further assistance is needed.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this incident and thank you for your patience.

Avatar for Gabi Berger
Gabi Berger

The cause of the log in and connection errors issues experienced has been identified. Engineers are working to correct the issue.

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Issues affecting log in and reported connection errors is still under investigation. We will update on this issue shortly.

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Customers in North America are currently experiencing issues connecting to Lightico services. This is under investigation and we will update further on this issue shortly.

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We're receiving reports of issues accessing the Lightico login page..

We're currently investigating the cause, and will post updates shortly.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Login Services
  • Lightico API
  • NA1 - North America
  • EU2 - London
  • EU1 - Israel
  • EU4 - Frankfurt